
'Love Is Blind' star Mark found love with another contestant – they've split amid cheating rumours

Mark Cuevas
Mark Cuevas
Photo: Netflix
  • Mark Cuevas has apparently been dating fellow Love Is Blind contestant Lauren 'LC' Chamblin.
  • Lauren shared over the weekend though that the two had called it quits after a fan shared on Reddit her friend was also dating Mark.
  • "I really do appreciate you posting this and saving me the energy on dating another liar," she commented on the post.
  • Jessica Batten, who left Mark at the altar on the show also had something to say about the cheating allegations...

Remember Mark Cuevas from Netflix's Love Is Blind? Well, it turns out he may not have been as head over heels in love with Jessica – he actually found love with another contestant on the show.

The fitness instructor was reportedly seeing Lauren 'LC' Chamblin who confirmed to People the two "were casually dating" – were being the keyword here. She said they "talked about remaining exclusive, especially because of Covid-19, but that's over now".

She ended the relationship recently after a Reddit user shared that her friend was dating Mark.

Lauren replied on the post: "This is awkward because I live in Atlanta and I've been dating Mark since the beginning of May."

She added: "Oh and btw, this is LC from Love is Blind. Feel free to DM me on Instagram if you would like more information! But I definitely just broke it off with mark so I really do appreciate you posting this and saving me the energy on dating another liar."

Eek! Mark spoke to People as well, denying he was in an exclusive relationship with Lauren. "I enjoyed spending time with LC for a few weeks, but at no point were we in an exclusive relationship, as LC confirmed herself. I wish her the absolute best."

Meanwhile, Jessica Batten, who you'll remember left Mark at the altar, also had something to say about the whole situation.

A fan commented on E! News' Instagram post about the cheating allegations writing: "Mark was sleeping with MULTIPLE women at the studio he trained at DURING the show. Maybe show those interviews with his workers next time @Netflix."

Jessica responded: "Wow. News to me, I only know about one."

*Sips tea.*

But love is alive in the reality dating show universe. We checked up on Amber and Barnett and everyone's OTP Lauren and Cameron to put your mind at ease.

Both couples are still happily married – and can we just take a moment to appreciate The Hamiltons and their hilarious quarantine TikToks?

READ NEXT | 7 surprising things you didn’t know about 'Love is Blind'
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